How to sell Used Machines On

How to Sell Used Machines On

Most of the factories renewed their production lines according to the growth of the business and the production needs usually they keep the old production lines and machines in their warehouse after a period of time it will Scarpe, Makayin marketplace gives the factories owners the opportunity to sell their old machine without loosing with a good price for the small factories who cannot afford new machines prices. used machines online is an excellent way to get parts and machinery at better deals than buying new ones. The concept of buying used machine online is new for the majority of factories and they are always afraid about wasting money or time for nothing that’s why we ensure to Answer the Most Asked Questions About Selling Used Machine On

Before you sell used equipment online on , you should know all the information mentioned bellow

What Is The Cost Of Makayin?

Registration and Listing machines on Makayin are free. To cover the costs of running Makayin, we charge a commission fee when a deal is made. The commission fee varies according to the category and it is calculated based on the final price (from 7% to 20%).

How Do I list My Products?

To add the products that you want to sell on, you need to register and add your products from your account you can make in two ways:

You can add them one by one.

You can add them as bulk all your products by creating a cvs file for your products, our team will be glad to help you in this mission.

In both ways, you should describe your products as accurately as possible with full details

Enter the model and manufacturer of the machine and describe it as accurately as possible.

Good quality photos will help the customer more in his decision.

Products that had more details will have better visibility and position on Makayin pages

How Can I Increase My Chances Of Selling?

Reasonable prices: think of the initial purchase price, age, options, conditions, and actual market prices. Price is certainly the most important sale factor. Do not forget that Makayin’s commission will be added on top of your price.

Sales conditions and payment terms

Include as much info as possible on your ads: technical information, condition, and the use of the product. If possible, also insert pictures that increase the number of visits to your product’s page.

Your honest testimony about the machine.

What’s the purpose of the dashboard?

The dashboard allows you to find useful statistics about your products:

The number of products you currently have on Makayin.

The request of quotations.

New orders.

Trucking the orders.

Order delivery.

Paid and received payment
