What are the competitive advantages of Makayin?

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What are the competitive advantages of Makayin?

As a Saudi-based e-commerce marketplace, Makayin performs an industry-focused marketing strategy with the aim of developing sustainable competitive advantages based on the long-term and stable relationships formed between suppliers and buyers.

And to differentiate itself from the competition, Makayin opted for a differentiation Strategy focusing essentially on 

Ensure safety and security of the Site navigation

Security means providing users with a guarantee that your website is secure. That’s why Makayin explored the skills of his IT Team to develop a web site totally safe and secure for visitors.

Verified buyers and suppliers

What does it mean if a Makayin seller or buyer is Verified or Unverified? If your seller or buyer is listed as “Verified” in the transaction details, it means that they’ve completed the account verification with us. Verification increases the security of your payment. It gives us additional evidence of a member’s identity and lets others know that you’ve completed this process.

You can complete the verification process by creating your account at Makayin.com It is so easy and takes less than 2 minutes.

For more information on how to register at Makayin, please read this article

Free registration

This is the most competitive helpful ­advantage for all buyers and sellers, Makayin offers free registration for all clients, and you can create your personal account and put your products for free. To get an idea about the prices or categories of the products, you can consult all the pages of the marketplace without necessarily having an account but if you want to buy or sell, you must create an account. And as you saw in the previous paragraph, opening an account takes less than 2 minutes.

Secured Payment

We do not share your full credit card or bank account number with others. The merchant only receives information that is required to complete and support your transaction. This information may include your name, email address, and shipping address.

Create a Trustworthy relationship with customers

Trust is an important element of any relationship, especially when it comes to the one between a business and its customers however Makayin elaborates a competitive strategy with the aim to establish a trusted and privileged relationship with its industrial customers.

And here who Makayin have build trust between her customers:

Make the Most of Reviews

  • Be Real with Product Visuals
  • Make it Easy to Get in Contact

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